Discuss, define, and give an example of why standard deviation is important. Remember to include the citation (for others to reference) and the original post must be a minimum of 150 words to receive full credit.
August 9th, 2017 admin
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math 308 week 3 disscussion
September 15th, 2015 admin
math 308 week 3 disscussion
Discuss, define, and give an example of why standard deviation is important. Remember to include the citation (for others to reference) and the original post must be a minimum of 150 words to receive full credit.
math 308 week 3 disscussion
September 15th, 2015 admin
math 308 week 3 disscussion
Discuss, define, and give an example of why standard deviation is important. Remember to include the citation (for others to reference) and the original post must be a minimum of 150 words to receive full credit.